
Let There Be Light: How to Become a Working Cinematographer

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Aside from the director and the stars themselves, the cinematographer is one of the most sought after jobs on set.Also known as the director of photography, many a young film student sees their command of light and lens and wonders how they could one day get there. Not just in their backyards with their friends. But on the big screen.Here’s how to become a real, working cinematographer.How to...

Quiet on the Set! How to Land a Production Sound Mixer Job

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When a film has great sound, you never notice it.  When a film has terrible sound, you can’t notice anything else. The production sound mixer, is the responsible for making sure that never happens.They lay the foundation for future sound technicians to make the film’s sound come to life.Want to be the person under those headphones?The Sound Mixer Job Description A production sound mixer at...

How to Work as a Film Colorist and Actually Make Some Green

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Those outside the post-production flow might not have any idea what a colorist does. Those who do know that they’ve been bringing the world on the big screen come to life since Technicolor.Whether you’re working at a post-production house and looking to move up or you’re just getting started coloring your pictures at home: here’s how you become a Hollywood colorist.Color Grading vs Color...

How to Become a Killer First Assistant Director


On a ship, the Captain sets the course, and the First Officer makes it happen. On a set, the director sets the vision, and the first assistant director ( shortened to 1st assistant director, “first AD”, or “1st AD”) turns his dreams into reality. If you want to learn how to become a first assistant director and get a chance to yell “rolling sound”? This is what you need to know.What is the...

How to Become a Line Producer: The Little Known Dream Job

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It can be hard to answer the question: what does a line producer do exactly? A producer’s definition can vary—some may be financiers, others bring the project together, another may own the rights to the underlying property.But the line producer has a very specific job - to be a professional logistics master.Let’s dive in.How to Become a Great Line Producer on Set SO WHAT IS A LINE PRODUCER...

How to be a Production Coordinator: 28 Keys For Success

28 Keys to Being a Successful Production Coordinator - Featured Image - ProductionBeast

No matter the size and scale of production, a diligent and determined production coordinator will help their unit production manager (UPM) plan for the best but prepare for the worst. The production coordinator job description is varied. Some production coordinators are managers, other are accountants. It all depends on the needs of the shoot and the UPM who hired you. Here are a few tips that...

How to Become a Working Gaffer: The Essential Guide

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The gaffer is a vital department head for every film set — without electricity, there are no lights, no microphones, and no cameras.
Their skills are highly technical but absolutely essential. Without the gaffer, there simply is no film. If you’re interested in being one of the most important people on the set, you’ve got a few things you have to learn first.
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