Tagproduction coordinator

How to Become a Unit Production Manager: The Art of Saying No

Unit Production Manager Featured Image

As the saying goes: “The second word in show business is business. It’s not something filmmakers like to think about, but a unit production manager knows that equipment costs money. Those brilliant artists? They expect to get paid. Even if it’s a “passion project,” you have to keep a close budget, because resources aren’t unlimited. If you like keeping people on track, if you...

How to be a Production Coordinator: 28 Keys For Success

28 Keys to Being a Successful Production Coordinator - Featured Image - ProductionBeast

No matter the size and scale of production, a diligent and determined production coordinator will help their unit production manager (UPM) plan for the best but prepare for the worst. The production coordinator job description is varied. Some production coordinators are managers, other are accountants. It all depends on the needs of the shoot and the UPM who hired you. Here are a few tips that...


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